Long Term Questions

How long is the teaching contract?

Most public and private schools require a one year contract although some may do a 6 month contract.


What training or education is required to be a long term teacher?

China requires at least a bachelor’s degree to get a working visa. The degree does not have to be in English.


What is the process for going to be an English teacher?

  1. First, use the contact us form and send BFH your information so a representative can contact you.
  2. Second, BFH will begin praying, fasting, and seeking God’s guidance on you serving full time.
  3. Third, BFH will make contact with your local church leadership to begin the assessment period.
  4. Fourth, BFH alongside the local church will process through the assessment and calling questionnaire.
  5. Lastly, once approved to go by BFH and the local church then BFH will work with the missionary to get a working visa, travel arrangements, and lodging arrangements.


Will I get paid?

Each school offers different benefits which does include pay. Some schools offer housing, travel expenses, medical insurance, and/or part time/full time work.  The benefits will be based on the public or private school you work with.


Are there any other requirements?

BFH requires that all missionaries share testimony while in the country with BFH and the local church. Also, to share testimony and recruit others to go when in the United States.

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Question or concern?

Thank you for considering a partnership with Bridge For Hope Ministries. We trust God will guide all discussion going forward. To God be the glory!


Phone: (864) 650-7093

Email: [email protected]

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